Artem Markov (RU)
Embryology of central axis
In contact improvisation, we are accustomed to playing with the fall of the central axis, which is called the small dance. The fall of the vertical axis is one of the main tools that initiates movement in space.
In somatic approaches based on BMC (Body-Mind Centering), we utilize the material of human embryonic development to see how new forms and new possibilities of movement are nurtured within us. In these sessions, we will explore how regressive body techniques can expand our potential for movement in contact duets.
Form and movement are inseparable containers. But what if the vertical axis is not the first body-organizing structure to appear in the body? We will play with different axes and directions of movement.
Additionally, we will learn to recognize movement direction, the vector of movement. In a way, this direction can also be called an axis. Can we allow movement to flow through our entire body and surf on the waves of movement? Yes, we will try to engage in that.
Simonetta Alessandri (IT)
Sensing into the emerging of new dancing – (Feldenkrais & Contact Improvisation)
I’m interested in sharing my ongoing research into the influence of the Feldenkrais
Method on the practice of Contact Improvisation, focusing on aspects such as ease, balance, instability, gravity, confidence, freedom, creativity and ownership
With the Feldenkrais Method, we direct our attention to internal sensations, without judgment. Acknowledging the intelligence of the body and curious about new possibilities, we identify habits and clarify choices to promote efficiency, freedom and a sense of ease that involve our whole selves. This specific way of tuning in to what we are experiencing brings us to the present moment, finding a felt sense of self that aims to relate to the environment and to others. Working with a partner further enhances this process; while engaging with touch and weight, we will find more sophistication in sensing, reading and communicating with our partner.
We will also experiment with specific movement patterns from Feldenkrais to underpin principles of Contact Improvisation, specifically: counterbalance, falling in spirals, centre to centre connection, catching and flying. We will question our habits and habitual patterns in Contact Improvisation. This can emerge because of being fully in the present moment, or due to the re-patterned movement which normally happens with Feldenkrais.
The sense of ease and efficiency, nourished by curiosity, will enable us to see Contact vocabulary from another perspective, one that will bring more enjoyment, rejuvenation and authenticity to the emerging of new dancing.
Francesca Cervellino (IT)
Morning classes
Qi Gong / Taijiquan
Classes will be an opportunity to approach the Traditional principles of the Chinese internal martial arts. Through static and dynamic practices we will come into contact with our breath, Qi, the vital breath, to increase and make our vital energy flow freely in the energy channels of the whole body.
Qi Gong, formerly called Yang Sheng Fa, a method for nourishing life, is a body practice based on the integration of movement, meditation, breathing and feeling. Its main purpose is the maintenance of health and achievement of longevity. But, Qi Gong is also the basis of all Chinese internal martial arts since it improves coordination, grounding, endurance and it has a calming effect on the nervous system. We will also investigate the fundamentals of Taijiquan through sequences in the space, contact work in pairs and the study of martial traditional forms to improve proprioception, the quality of touch and the mental attention/intention.
Carola Robles (PE)
Morning classes
The word AIKIDO can be translated as “the way of unifying all our inner energy”, and also “the path of harmony with the forces and principles of nature.”
Aikido is a japanese martial art that uses the momentum and force of an attack to unbalance that person and lead them to a projection in space or immobilization in a harmonious way.
In these morning practices we will perform breathing exercises, work with energy and the center as a meeting place with our inner self, ground and sky.We will focus on awakening a vibrant and peaceful body, opening the heart and feeding the spirit.Through dynamics in pairs, we will practice movements and gestures from a whole body that seeks the appropriate intention for the situation, with sincerity and the exercise of detachment from the ego in each encounter or fall.
Juan Francisco Posse (AR/ES)
Class and body-work
Curious Listening
Making contact without intention, listening to what is there, awakening curiosity about the world beneath the skin, using our imagination, trusting the information that the other body tells us, letting ourselves be carried by the tides, until we reach the kneading , use our weight, let the tides guide us, take pauses where the pleasure of touch is present.
Respect my limits, my partner’s limits. deepen From the most superficial layer to the deepest, be aware of breathing, gradually cover the entire body, stop at the different diaphragms of the body, imagine how they relate to each other, to travel through the entire spine, vertebra by vertebra , from the atlas to the tailbone, visualize the most important organs, how the entire nervous (electrical) system connects with them from the skull.
This is an invitation to awaken all the tools we innately have.
Know what is good for me so I can deliver it.
Curious Listening
What would happen if I listened in stillness to everything that moves within me and allowed this to become a dance? How can I put all my weight on the ground without putting up resistance? Can I feel how a small movement affects the rest of my body? Can I communicate with the ground through dance with another, with others? With these and other physical questions we will awaken a curious listening in our individual and collective dance, being aware that everything that happens in space counts, contributes, influences, as if that space were a body, my body and each movement that happens in it. , moves another part and I observe it, I allow it to influence me, I take advantage of it, I incorporated it into my dance. With these focuses and ways of seeing we will go from an individual dance to a more collective and open dance.
Maria Mora Alcolea (ES)
Class and body-work
Fascia is the substance that connects every part of our bodies to every other part, an integrated mega-system that provides continuity and proposes collaborative relationships.
I propose to observe some essential characteristics of fascia to generate an image that will accompany us to direct our attention towards listening to our connective tissue. We will talk about ways to touch and use touch, a hand that connects with a body and the space to listen and support listening. Different touches stimulate different aspects of fascia and therefore different qualities of movement. The dance and the entry into the language of Contact Improvisation will be from connecting with slower rhythms of existence, inviting us to open up the perception towards the infinite that we are skin inwards. I invite us to enter a state where the form of the language we share (CI) emerges, from a deep internal listening and that this one lets itself be surprised and deformed by the chaotic and elastic quality of the fascia and the relationship with other bodies.